Helms Design Center
"Projecting Possibilities
Entire month of March
by Richard Rownak
Art for a visual hungry world
“Life gives us only so much time, I strive to make the most of it. Everyone’s enjoyment and interests are different, I must stay fresh and open to new knowledge and expression, that’s how I wants to spend my time.”
Beauty is everywhere, it must just be recognized. Creating a visual experience that pulls the viewer mind into the piece and sparks their curiosity and emotion using color, depth and composition is my rewarding journey.
Starting out as a photographer working in his darkroom for hours on end gave him a basis for his “Graphic Understanding”.
Self-taught with the experience of years of photographic freelancing in Fayetteville Arkansas and Los Angeles gave him opportunity to learn from many professionals lighting techniques and other valuable lessons. His love of creating images from several different elements to create a new and unique piece was by making several exposures on a single piece of film. With his move to the personal computer, he found a tool with unlimited opportunities. Using sophisticated computer programs to create still images and animations with his own original music is his passion.